Pentagon City Planning Study Community Workshop
Events Calendar, Community Meetings
Date and Time for this Past Event
- Thursday, Oct 15, 2020 6:30pm
Participate in a virtual workshop about Arlington's community planning process for Pentagon City. The goal of the study is to reevaluate long-term goals for this area with an emphasis on its transportation network. The study will be informed by the community’s recent work on livability and include broad participation from residents, businesses, community groups, and stakeholders. Learn more.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about how to join the virtual meeting.
What are your ideas for Pentagon City?
What's most important?
What are you afraid of?
What are your dreams for the area?
- The County is seeking submissions from Pentagon City residents, employees, businesses, visitors, and other interested community members.
- Write, draw, or share images about your ideas by October 23.
- Submit-a-slide: use the provided template* to view examples and create your own.
- Email your finished slide!
*Need a template in Keynote instead? Let the County know.
Did you miss the Study Kick Off?
- Catch up here: watch a recording of the event
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